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Why Jim Rogers Is Buying Silver Over Gold Right Now!

Why Jim Rogers Is Buying Silver Over Gold Right Now!

It was another interesting start to the week this week, with the announcement from President Biden that he would no longer run for another term.  We believe that this has significantly changed the dynamics of the US election, and judging by the markets’ reaction, we’re not the only ones who think so. The Presidential race is […]
Gold At All Time High, Silver At $30. Now What?

Gold At All Time High, Silver At $30. Now What?

Gold hit a new all-time high against the dollar this week, buoyed on by speculation surrounding Fed rates and the increasing likelihood of a Trump win. Let’s be honest, it was always going to be an interesting week given it began with the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate.  Interestingly gold was down in overnight […]
Should I Buy Silver Miners? David Morgan Explains

Should I Buy Silver Miners? David Morgan Explains

Today we bring you Part Two of our interview with The Silver Guru, David Morgan. In the second-half of our conversation we discuss the performance of silver miners.  Now, demand for silver is climbing. And there is a supply shortage. But with narrow margins, times are tough for silver mining companies, even with silver at […]
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