Platinum Price USD per Ounce One Month

Use this chart to view the Platinum Price USD per ounce for one month. If you would like to view the platinum spot price or EUR platinum price just amend the dropdown options, below. 


Platinum Price USD per Ounce One Month

Many investors search ‘platinum price USD per Ounce One Month’ as they wish to identify trends and spot any opportunities to invest in platinum. If you would like to look at the platinum price for a different time period, weight or currency then simply amend the Platinum price USD chart, accordingly. 

Platinum is an exciting metal to invest in at the moment. Whilst it is a precious metal it is for its industrial applications that it is making the most headlines for. 

The world seems to have finally come together to try and implement strategies that will see planet earth work together for a net-zero, decarbonised world. There are many industries that are going to have to find new ways of doing things. 

One that is already making huge leaps and affecting the platinum price USD is the automotive industry. Platinum is used in catalytic converters, helping to change the toxic fumes emitted by automotive engines into less toxic fumes. Currently the demand from the automotive sector accounts for half of total mining supply. 

Beyond catalytic converters the platinum price USD will also be heavily affected by the major leaps being made in the green hydrogen sector. Here, platinum is important in two ways, first in the  electrolysers to produce green hydrogen and secondly, in hydrogen fuel cells. Green hydrogen is completely carbon-free and has long-term energy storage capabilities. Given this could see the decarbonisation of transport, heating and industrial processes we expect it will have a positive effect on the platinum price USD. 

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