Silver Price for Last Month in USD

Use this chart to view the silver price last month, priced in USD. You can use our charts to look at the silver price across a number of time periods, currencies and weights. Simply select your preferences from the drop-downs, below. 


Silver Price Last Month

If you’re looking for the silver price last month, then this chart will be able to help you. Currently it shows you the price in dollars, but you can change the currency to EUR and GBP, if you wish. 

The silver price last month chart shows the silver spot price across a set time period. The spot price of silver is driven by demand and supply for the precious metal. It is taken from the international wholesale markets and we update it on our site every two minutes. 

Do not expect to see silver bullion bars and coins priced according just to the spot price. This is just one element that affects how much silver costs. A bar or coin of silver has three parts to its price:

  • The spot price of silver
  • How much silver the bar or coin contains
  • The premium on the bar or coin (the larger the bar, the smaller the premium)

You might be looking at the silver price last month to decide if today is a good time to buy, i.e. is it ‘cheaper’ today than last month? Will you make a bigger gain if you buy today? However, it is not necessarily a fair comparison to just look at the silver price last month when there is also the silver content and premium to take into account when it comes to what you will pay. 

Please also remember that we suggest investors hold silver for the long-term, as it is a form of financial insurance that can protect your portfolio in times of uncertainty. For this reason, you might feel you’d like to own silver as soon as possible (no one delays buying insurance), regardless of the silver price last month. 

If you want to include Silver in your portfolio and need assistance, please contact GoldCore by chat, email, or phone, and our knowledgeable team will be happy to help.

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