
The Manipulation of “God’s Money” Gold and Gold at $15,000/oz – Kiyosaki Interviews Powell

Sep 17, 2020, 9:50 AM EDT
This article is more than 3 years old.

In 2020 Robert Kiyosaki spoke to GATA’s Chris Powell. They discussed the ongoing manipulation of our monetary system and how we people are moving from the dollar into gold. 

Watch Interview Here

◆ “Buying physical gold and silver are the most revolutionary acts one can make … there are no real markets anymore, there are just manipulations” – Chris Powell of GATA

“We love ‘God’s money’ silver and gold, they are real money and they have been manipulated and all markets, currencies and money are manipulated today” – Robert Kiyosaki

Gold is consolidating around $2,000 per ounce, Chris Powell says that gold’s price gains in dollars creates competition for the dollar as people move out of the dollar and into gold.

◆ This episode reveals how it is completely legal for the U.S. government to manipulate the price of gold to keep the competition for the dollar down.

To understand how the Fed can do this, you have to look back at The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 which was passed under President Franklin Roosevelt at the height of the Great Depression to stabilize the money supply in the U.S. It essentially transferred gold from private hands to the U.S. Treasury by requiring the Federal Reserve and all private

◆ “Buying physical gold and silver are the most revolutionary acts one can make … there are no real markets anymore, there are just manipulations” – Chris Powell of GATA

“We love ‘God’s money’ silver and gold, they are real money and they have been manipulated and all markets, currencies and money are manipulated today” – Robert Kiyosaki

Gold is consolidating around $2,000 per ounce, Chris Powell says that gold’s price gains in dollars creates competition for the dollar as people move out of the dollar and into gold. 

◆ This episode reveals how it is completely legal for the U.S. government to manipulate the price of gold to keep the competition for the dollar down.

To understand how the Fed can do this, you have to look back at The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 which was passed under President Franklin Roosevelt at the height of the Great Depression to stabilize the money supply in the U.S. It essentially transferred gold from private hands to the U.S. Treasury by requiring the Federal Reserve and all private persons and entities to remit gold over the value of $100 to the government.

◆ Today’s guest Chris Powell, Director of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee ( says, “The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 created the exchange stabilization fund which has the authority to not only intervene in the gold market, it has the authority to intervene on behalf of the U.S. government and any market in the world.”

◆ Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Chris Powell of GATA discuss how it is legal for the U.S. government to manipulate the price of gold and to do so secretly to deceive investors in other countries.
Listen here to find out what Chris Powell predicts for gold and the dollar over the next five years.

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